Rome People 27

The Future is Now

Rome People 07
Rome People 07
Rome People 27
Rome People 27
Rome People 25
Rome People 25

I’m not afraid of the future. I see the future as a kind of space and I think that is important because, as an artist, I can project and incorporate myself into that space. Art has the extraordinary privilege of bonding with the future in a very special way.

If you consider, for example, trading and finance, which bonds with the future in a similar way, the relationship is based upon the subject’s ‘prediction’ of what could verify itself in the future. This is the role of the collector in the Art world. The artist does this too but we have another task as well.

I am working with the computer to make images now. I am not interested in predicting what could happen or become a trend in the future because I am busy making that happen. The emphasis is not on cashing in on the fact that I have foresight and maybe someday there will be a payoff. Instead, I close my eyes to what ‘could’ happen and concentrate on the here and now. I make the future happen inside me.

Of course, using a new medium also brings into play the past. I have to be able to confer my skills with traditional techniques into the container of the new. For some artists, this is irreconcilable. For me, it is an adventure.

I try not to judge my work in terms of ‘success’ or ‘failure’ but to understand that there is a process involved and I am part of that process and everything that I make can contribute to the fullness and satisfaction of my being; physical, psychical and spiritual.[whohit]-Future_Now_EN-[/whohit]

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